Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Income Tax Day

Today is the day to file your individual income tax return or file an extension.

Found some interesting video for today.

First up is a Bill Moyers' show from over a year ago, talking about the Bush budget for 2009.

The next video is more recent, showing the impact of the stimulus spending.

These are spending comparisons ADJUSTED for inflation.

I work with numbers everyday but I can't really comprehend the magnitude of the spending that has been passed by the Congress. Without any meaning, trillions of dollars are just big numbers in my mind.

The issues raised by the Moyers' program have only been magnified by the recent unchecked spending.

Has our lust for spending crippled any possibility for prosperity in the future?

Will there be money to support those that can't support themselves, or will non-productive members of society become excess baggage (without human dignity) and seen only as a drain for those pursuing the American dream?

Will this continue to polarize society? Will the middle class disappear as those currently in the middle class move up or down in wealth?

Is this how the bloody French Revolution started? Or WWII?

What have we allowed to happen?

Can it be reversed, is there a will or need to reverse the spending?

Think about the issues as you complete your return, and then if you are concerned, make your voice heard through your Representatives, Senators and President.

Happy Tax Day, our big government at work!

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