Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Creative Writing ??

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. - Seneca

This website has taken a sharp turn toward the serious side during the last few days.

I started it on April 1st, and I thought it more as an outlet for jokes about the absurdity of Facebook, My Space, the Internet blogs, tweets, and the like.

Then something happened, I woke up Saturday with a big head and thought that maybe someone really cares about what I have to say. The ability to put one's thoughts out into the world with very little cost, has an intoxicating effect. The sense of my own importance has been distorted. My thoughts are no more important, and deserve no more attention than the thoughts of anyone else.

I need to snap out of it. I may need an intervention.


"Website Novice Head Explosion"

- A novice website developer's head grew so big that it exploded late Monday night. Witnesses at the site said there was little to clean up since it appears the head was empty when it exploded. The few readers of the website may have seen problems developing but had no comment section to rapidly deflate the expanding head before it reached a critical mass.

"The wild web world is no place for the inexperienced, this really happens quite often", said Webmaster Sy Teasigner. "Feeding the beast daily, usually empties the head quickly. Then the head expands rapidly as its sense of self-importance becomes deluded and reality becomes clouded. Sometimes the novice is able to stop, but this particular head was totally lacking in any reasonable thought."

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