Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is there anyone out there??

It is almost one month into this and I have gained additional respect for all the world's bloggers, web masters, and producers of content for the WWW.

The barriers to entry into this arena are so low that nearly anyone can put content on the web.

This leads to people like me thinking that there is value in adding to the everyday noise. If no one is reading this blog does it really need to exist?

I understand content needs to be interesting, and I see the www as similar to a television with a million (or more) channels. What should a person look at? How does a message find its way to someone that would like to consume that message?

Does the www work best as a broadcast or a narrow cast?

Does a blog gain readers by being predictable and comfortable?

At times I get the impression that I am just talking to myself. I know my thoughts, does anyone else need to know them?

Your comments please.

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