The media is still hyping the swine flu. Bloomberg.com is now reporting that the 'swine flu is spreading more widely than the official numbers show.'
Uh? What is the basis for the report, other what Bloomberg wants to report? Does Bloomberg now collect medical statistics from seven continents?
'Forty-three countries have confirmed 12,022 cases, including 86 deaths, according to the World Health Organization’s latest tally. ..... The Geneva-based agency is asking vaccine makers to prepare for large-scale production of an inoculation for swine flu, while also ensuring adequate supplies of a shot for seasonal flu, which kills an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide each year.'
Am I missing something?
Swine flu has killed 86 people and a normal seasonal flu kills a half of a million people, and the media covers the swine flu story like it could be the end of humanity as we know it.
The Dept of Health and Human Services is ready to spend $ 1 billion to get a stockpile of swine flu vaccine to treat 20 million people. The last time the government pushed a swine flu vaccine on the public (in the early 1970s) people died from a reaction to the vaccine.
What is wrong with this picture? (I mean the media picture, not the one in the upper right corner).
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