With all the news hype about the swine flu, I began to wonder ....
From a USA on-line report dated May 2nd - "Tests had confirmed 397 cases of Influenza A H1N1, or swine flu, in Mexico as of Friday night, up from 312 on Thursday night, Health Secretary José Córdova said. The number of deaths rose from 12 to 16."
I heard a report that there have been a total of 1,000 cases reported world-wide.
The world has a total of 6.742 billion people. So a total of 1 in every 6,742,000 people has the swine flu. The odds of getting hit by lightning in the US in a given year are 1 in 400,000. The odds of getting hit by lightning in your lifetime are 1 in 5,000.
Why isn't Vice President Joe Biden warning everyone to avoid the great outdoors for fear of lightning. Instead he is telling us to avoid confined spaces, the exact opposite of what would probably be the best protection against lightning, a greater threat than swine flu.
What is he trying to do, get us all killed?
From Voice of America News:
"U.S. officials worry that, even if the virus' spread is eventually contained, it could re-emerge months from now during the northern hemisphere's winter flu season, when more than 30,000 Americans die each year from common influenza.
The Obama administration says it is laying the groundwork to develop a vaccine against swine flu, although no decision has been made on large-scale production of such a vaccine."
"Even if the virus' spread is eventually contained"?? - is there an expectation or possibility that the virus will spread totally unchecked through the entire world population?
Why does the media continue to hype a story and not put out the facts?
Why does the government join in?
What is your opinion?
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