"I want a comment section."
"Where do we make comments?"
"Why can't I make comments?"
OK, it has been 8 days since comments have been available, and only four comments. That averages to a 1/2 of a comment per day. (All four comments were made the first day).
The blog already has two pages of blog posts. It is obvious that my posts are very insignificant, and not very thought provoking.
I don't know what is the facespace equivalent of the question, "Does the cat have your tongue?"
Help with content ideas, suggestions for improvements, or write your own blog as a comment.
Your comments please.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Is there anyone out there??
It is almost one month into this and I have gained additional respect for all the world's bloggers, web masters, and producers of content for the WWW.
The barriers to entry into this arena are so low that nearly anyone can put content on the web.
This leads to people like me thinking that there is value in adding to the everyday noise. If no one is reading this blog does it really need to exist?
I understand content needs to be interesting, and I see the www as similar to a television with a million (or more) channels. What should a person look at? How does a message find its way to someone that would like to consume that message?
Does the www work best as a broadcast or a narrow cast?
Does a blog gain readers by being predictable and comfortable?
At times I get the impression that I am just talking to myself. I know my thoughts, does anyone else need to know them?
Your comments please.
The barriers to entry into this arena are so low that nearly anyone can put content on the web.
This leads to people like me thinking that there is value in adding to the everyday noise. If no one is reading this blog does it really need to exist?
I understand content needs to be interesting, and I see the www as similar to a television with a million (or more) channels. What should a person look at? How does a message find its way to someone that would like to consume that message?
Does the www work best as a broadcast or a narrow cast?
Does a blog gain readers by being predictable and comfortable?
At times I get the impression that I am just talking to myself. I know my thoughts, does anyone else need to know them?
Your comments please.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Culture Shift
The Internet is a great place to see the world.
Today, April 29, is the 61st anniversary celebration of independence for the only functioning democracy in the middle east, Israel.
Happy Independence day Israel!
Yesterday, Israel recognized their Memorial day.
Memorial day remembers the soldiers and civilians killed since the founding of the nation. The numbers are roughly 22,000 soldiers and 1,200 civilians killed in war related conflicts. For all the news this area of the world generates I thought the numbers would have been much higher.
Don't misunderstand I am not trying to minimize the loss of even one life, it just shows how repeatedly spotlighting an ongoing news event makes it easy to lose a comparative perspective on a situation. The US had approximately 21,000 murders in 1995, although the number has decreased by several thousand in recent years, that number is close to the total lost over a 61 year period in Israel to war violence. Again, let me state the loss of one life is a tragedy.
A few statistics about Israel: Population - 7,411,000. (75% Jewish, 22% Arab, 3% other)
Area - 8,019 sq miles (the state of New Jersey is 8,729 sq miles). The gross domestic product is $28,400 per capita (compares to the US at $46,900 per capita).
Today, April 29, is the 61st anniversary celebration of independence for the only functioning democracy in the middle east, Israel.
Happy Independence day Israel!
Yesterday, Israel recognized their Memorial day.
Memorial day remembers the soldiers and civilians killed since the founding of the nation. The numbers are roughly 22,000 soldiers and 1,200 civilians killed in war related conflicts. For all the news this area of the world generates I thought the numbers would have been much higher.
Don't misunderstand I am not trying to minimize the loss of even one life, it just shows how repeatedly spotlighting an ongoing news event makes it easy to lose a comparative perspective on a situation. The US had approximately 21,000 murders in 1995, although the number has decreased by several thousand in recent years, that number is close to the total lost over a 61 year period in Israel to war violence. Again, let me state the loss of one life is a tragedy.
A few statistics about Israel: Population - 7,411,000. (75% Jewish, 22% Arab, 3% other)
Area - 8,019 sq miles (the state of New Jersey is 8,729 sq miles). The gross domestic product is $28,400 per capita (compares to the US at $46,900 per capita).
middle east
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Website versus Blogging
Since I started the MyFaceSpaceSite.com Blog, I find it harder to be motivated to update the MyFaceSpaceSite.com website.
Blogging is so much easier. So far the blogging site has been able to do everything I have made the website do, such as links to other sites, embedded video from YouTube and pictures.
The only advantage I see to the website is the interesting web address. The blog has the advantage of comments from any readers.
I am now at the point of questioning the need to do something routinely on both the website and the blog site.
My preference would be to do updates on the blog and use links back to the website if ever necessary.
Starting this website and blog has proven the minimal cost and small amount of knowledge needed to get into cyberspace. The domain name cost is less than $10 per year, and everything else has been free. I have used a free website hosting site, free html software and now free blog hosting. I knew nothing about how all this would work before I started, and although I know just a little more than before, I have been able to put a website and a blog together on my own.
One major deterrent to getting into cyberspace is what to put out there. But anyone with access to a computer can get on the stage.
I keep returning to the first statement I made when I started all this, "I don't understand the desire for social networking. I don't think anyone will be interested in what I am doing during each minute of each day."
Should I put the website domain name up for sale? I hate to loose myfacespacesite.com, but it might just be one of those collection issues that I need to resolve.
What do you think?
Blogging is so much easier. So far the blogging site has been able to do everything I have made the website do, such as links to other sites, embedded video from YouTube and pictures.
The only advantage I see to the website is the interesting web address. The blog has the advantage of comments from any readers.
I am now at the point of questioning the need to do something routinely on both the website and the blog site.
My preference would be to do updates on the blog and use links back to the website if ever necessary.
Starting this website and blog has proven the minimal cost and small amount of knowledge needed to get into cyberspace. The domain name cost is less than $10 per year, and everything else has been free. I have used a free website hosting site, free html software and now free blog hosting. I knew nothing about how all this would work before I started, and although I know just a little more than before, I have been able to put a website and a blog together on my own.
One major deterrent to getting into cyberspace is what to put out there. But anyone with access to a computer can get on the stage.
I keep returning to the first statement I made when I started all this, "I don't understand the desire for social networking. I don't think anyone will be interested in what I am doing during each minute of each day."
Should I put the website domain name up for sale? I hate to loose myfacespacesite.com, but it might just be one of those collection issues that I need to resolve.
What do you think?
Renewal is all around and the dreariness of Winter is immediately forgotten.
Open your eyes to the changes happening in the world and it is so easy to smile.
Feel the heat, see the growth, smell the flowers, hear the birds, taste the fresh fruit and let the experience touch your heart.
Fully experience Spring.
("Tulips" by Chad)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Stuff we collect

Are humans natural collectors?
People are known to collect antiques, stamps, coins, spoons, teapots, dolls, stuffed animals, real animals, books, old farm equipment, automobiles, autumn leaves, pictures and some people even collect spouses. Spouse collecting, unlike other collections, is usually limited to one at a time.
Wikipedia has a list of common collections which lists some things that I find rather odd to collect. An example is tea bags as a collection, are they used tea bags? Maybe the tea bags go with the sugar that some people collect from restaurant tables.
What do we do with all we collect?
In my experience, my collections force me into one additional collection, a collection of dust.
Why do we collect? Is there satisfaction in having something unique?
I can't say that is the answer, since I have collected the fifty state quarters over the past ten years, and my collection is hardly unique. I know of someone who has multiple collections of the fifty state quarters, each collection of quarters from a specific minting location. That is dedication to a collection. I felt good just getting the state quarter, I didn't think about it being minted in Denver, San Francisco or Philadelphia. My collection is sitting on a shelf and is worth about $12.50 on a good day.
What do you collect?
(Image used by permission: "framing hammer collection 2007" by chazferret)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Chocolate Anyone?

Are we obsessed with chocolate?
Does it make you feel better when you need a pick me up?
Have you ever said no to chocolate?
What is you favorite use of chocolate in a food?
Do you prefer milk, dark or even white chocolate?
I remember the first time I ever had a piece of white chocolate, it was in Gatlinburg, TN and I was seven or eight years old. I was a chocolate novice, only having had milk chocolate until then. I thought white chocolate was the best, until I tried the dark stuff.
More on Chocolate from Wikipedia.
The World Atlas of Chocolate states that the Swiss are the top consumers of chocolate, consuming 22.36 lbs per person on an annual basis.
The United States comes in at number 11 on the list, consuming 11.64 lbs per year per person. Which is 27,000 calories, 1530 grams of fat, 1130 mg of cholesterol, 4400 mg of sodium, 3150 g carbs and 350 g of protein.
There is a website CHOCOHOLIC.COM to provide the best of chocolate treats, and will sign you up for a Chocolate of the Month Club.
Are you a chocoholic? Take the online test.
You might be a chocoholic if ....
Maybe I am obsessed with chocolate, how about you?

Are we obsessed with chocolate?
Does it make you feel better when you need a pick me up?
Have you ever said no to chocolate?
What is you favorite use of chocolate in a food?
Do you prefer milk, dark or even white chocolate?
I remember the first time I ever had a piece of white chocolate, it was in Gatlinburg, TN and I was seven or eight years old. I was a chocolate novice, only having had milk chocolate until then. I thought white chocolate was the best, until I tried the dark stuff.
More on Chocolate from Wikipedia.
The World Atlas of Chocolate states that the Swiss are the top consumers of chocolate, consuming 22.36 lbs per person on an annual basis.
The United States comes in at number 11 on the list, consuming 11.64 lbs per year per person. Which is 27,000 calories, 1530 grams of fat, 1130 mg of cholesterol, 4400 mg of sodium, 3150 g carbs and 350 g of protein.
There is a website CHOCOHOLIC.COM to provide the best of chocolate treats, and will sign you up for a Chocolate of the Month Club.
Are you a chocoholic? Take the online test.
You might be a chocoholic if ....
Maybe I am obsessed with chocolate, how about you?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Dancing Bunny
A comment from a previous blog entry requested a dancing bunny.
Happy to provide the following:
Happy to provide the following:
Media Bias?
The recent flap over who won the Miss USA beauty pageant and why, has been good on a number of levels. It was good for Donald Trump, owner of the Miss USA pageant business for all the free publicity. Although, the publicity would have better served him prior to the pageant rather than after the event.
It has also been good at illuminating media and cultural bias.
Prior to the election as a candidate, President Obama, answered a question about marriage with an answer worded similarly to what the beauty pageant contestant Carrie Prejean would answer.
To my untrained ear, the answers sound very similar.
President (to be) Obama: "I believe marriage is the union between a man and a woman, for me as a Christian it is also a sacred union. Now God's in the mix."
Miss USA wannabe: ".... in my family, I think I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anyone out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be between a man and a woman, thank you. "
Where was the outrage when the presidential candidate expressed this opinion about marriage? Why does a beauty pageant contestant take all the recent heat? Is there any consistency left in media?
The presidential candidate even brought "God in the mix". Where was the endless harping about the need for the separation of church and state? The outrage just didn't happen.
Miss Prejean has been told her answer was stupid and been called a term that in polite company would be used only to refer to a female dog.
A Presidential candidate (The One) with the same answer hears not a peep of descent, and is even lauded for being an inclusive candidate on this issue.
In my opinion the different treatment of the two individuals by the cultural media on this issue is hypocritical at best. At worst it points out once again left leaning media bias.
Shouldn't a presidential candidate receive more scrutiny than a beauty pageant contestant?
I thought a free and unbiased media was one of the keys to our liberty by keeping our government and its leaders in check. When the media fails at this responsibility and shows bias in favor of the government leaders, is an unchecked government far behind?
The media continues to make the claim that it is not biased, but with examples like this I don't see how that claim can be supported.
Another example of media bias is the reporting on recent government spending.
The media continues to repeat the message that it is the worst economic times since the great depression. But what are the facts? Is it a spending problem or an unemployment problem?
Is government spending a problem only done by a Republican administration as reported by Bill Moyers over a year ago. The budget being reported on in the Moyers piece was passed by a Congress controlled by the Democrat party.
Where is the outcry on government spending now?
Where is the reporting on the magnitude of this spending when compared to past spending?
The stimulus package authorized in less than three months of the Obama-Pelosi administration exceeds the spending for eight years of the Iraq war, which had often been used as a measure of excess spending during the Bush presidency.
Media bias?
What is your opinion?
It has also been good at illuminating media and cultural bias.
Prior to the election as a candidate, President Obama, answered a question about marriage with an answer worded similarly to what the beauty pageant contestant Carrie Prejean would answer.
To my untrained ear, the answers sound very similar.
President (to be) Obama: "I believe marriage is the union between a man and a woman, for me as a Christian it is also a sacred union. Now God's in the mix."
Miss USA wannabe: ".... in my family, I think I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anyone out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be between a man and a woman, thank you. "
Where was the outrage when the presidential candidate expressed this opinion about marriage? Why does a beauty pageant contestant take all the recent heat? Is there any consistency left in media?
The presidential candidate even brought "God in the mix". Where was the endless harping about the need for the separation of church and state? The outrage just didn't happen.
Miss Prejean has been told her answer was stupid and been called a term that in polite company would be used only to refer to a female dog.
A Presidential candidate (The One) with the same answer hears not a peep of descent, and is even lauded for being an inclusive candidate on this issue.
In my opinion the different treatment of the two individuals by the cultural media on this issue is hypocritical at best. At worst it points out once again left leaning media bias.
Shouldn't a presidential candidate receive more scrutiny than a beauty pageant contestant?
I thought a free and unbiased media was one of the keys to our liberty by keeping our government and its leaders in check. When the media fails at this responsibility and shows bias in favor of the government leaders, is an unchecked government far behind?
The media continues to make the claim that it is not biased, but with examples like this I don't see how that claim can be supported.
Another example of media bias is the reporting on recent government spending.
The media continues to repeat the message that it is the worst economic times since the great depression. But what are the facts? Is it a spending problem or an unemployment problem?
Is government spending a problem only done by a Republican administration as reported by Bill Moyers over a year ago. The budget being reported on in the Moyers piece was passed by a Congress controlled by the Democrat party.
Where is the outcry on government spending now?
Where is the reporting on the magnitude of this spending when compared to past spending?
The stimulus package authorized in less than three months of the Obama-Pelosi administration exceeds the spending for eight years of the Iraq war, which had often been used as a measure of excess spending during the Bush presidency.
Media bias?
What is your opinion?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Comments Anyone?
The long awaited comment section.
Not quite what I had expected for comments, but it will work for now. I am sure it will be able to handle the many comments that this site will produce. And it is free.
There is so much to view on You Tube:
Now that we have a comment section, I need help with content suggestions.
Nothing too difficult, but something interesting.
Not quite what I had expected for comments, but it will work for now. I am sure it will be able to handle the many comments that this site will produce. And it is free.
There is so much to view on You Tube:
Now that we have a comment section, I need help with content suggestions.
Nothing too difficult, but something interesting.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The First Blog
The comment section is now available for use.
Add comments for all the world (or the few people that stumble upon this blog) to see.
Add comments for all the world (or the few people that stumble upon this blog) to see.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Auction Fever
This video is for John Michael Montgomery fans:
John Michael Montgomery Sold at the Grundy County Auction
A few more auction related videos:
John Michael Montgomery Sold at the Grundy County Auction
A few more auction related videos:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Income Tax Day
Today is the day to file your individual income tax return or file an extension.
Found some interesting video for today.
First up is a Bill Moyers' show from over a year ago, talking about the Bush budget for 2009.
The next video is more recent, showing the impact of the stimulus spending.
These are spending comparisons ADJUSTED for inflation.
I work with numbers everyday but I can't really comprehend the magnitude of the spending that has been passed by the Congress. Without any meaning, trillions of dollars are just big numbers in my mind.
The issues raised by the Moyers' program have only been magnified by the recent unchecked spending.
Has our lust for spending crippled any possibility for prosperity in the future?
Will there be money to support those that can't support themselves, or will non-productive members of society become excess baggage (without human dignity) and seen only as a drain for those pursuing the American dream?
Will this continue to polarize society? Will the middle class disappear as those currently in the middle class move up or down in wealth?
Is this how the bloody French Revolution started? Or WWII?
What have we allowed to happen?
Can it be reversed, is there a will or need to reverse the spending?
Think about the issues as you complete your return, and then if you are concerned, make your voice heard through your Representatives, Senators and President.
Happy Tax Day, our big government at work!
Found some interesting video for today.
First up is a Bill Moyers' show from over a year ago, talking about the Bush budget for 2009.
The next video is more recent, showing the impact of the stimulus spending.
These are spending comparisons ADJUSTED for inflation.
I work with numbers everyday but I can't really comprehend the magnitude of the spending that has been passed by the Congress. Without any meaning, trillions of dollars are just big numbers in my mind.
The issues raised by the Moyers' program have only been magnified by the recent unchecked spending.
Has our lust for spending crippled any possibility for prosperity in the future?
Will there be money to support those that can't support themselves, or will non-productive members of society become excess baggage (without human dignity) and seen only as a drain for those pursuing the American dream?
Will this continue to polarize society? Will the middle class disappear as those currently in the middle class move up or down in wealth?
Is this how the bloody French Revolution started? Or WWII?
What have we allowed to happen?
Can it be reversed, is there a will or need to reverse the spending?
Think about the issues as you complete your return, and then if you are concerned, make your voice heard through your Representatives, Senators and President.
Happy Tax Day, our big government at work!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you was?
- Satchel Paige
Is it poor taste to wish yourself a happy anniversary?
It has been one week, since this madness started and already there have been several evolutions in the content.
We have seen mean nasty cat, political satire, a guy dancing his way around the world, and then a couple days of really serious stuff.
I hope everyone is enjoying this mindless journey through my thoughts.
It has been one week, since this madness started and already there have been several evolutions in the content.
We have seen mean nasty cat, political satire, a guy dancing his way around the world, and then a couple days of really serious stuff.
I hope everyone is enjoying this mindless journey through my thoughts.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Creative Writing ??
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. - Seneca
This website has taken a sharp turn toward the serious side during the last few days.
I started it on April 1st, and I thought it more as an outlet for jokes about the absurdity of Facebook, My Space, the Internet blogs, tweets, and the like.
Then something happened, I woke up Saturday with a big head and thought that maybe someone really cares about what I have to say. The ability to put one's thoughts out into the world with very little cost, has an intoxicating effect. The sense of my own importance has been distorted. My thoughts are no more important, and deserve no more attention than the thoughts of anyone else.
I need to snap out of it. I may need an intervention.
"Website Novice Head Explosion"
- A novice website developer's head grew so big that it exploded late Monday night. Witnesses at the site said there was little to clean up since it appears the head was empty when it exploded. The few readers of the website may have seen problems developing but had no comment section to rapidly deflate the expanding head before it reached a critical mass.
"The wild web world is no place for the inexperienced, this really happens quite often", said Webmaster Sy Teasigner. "Feeding the beast daily, usually empties the head quickly. Then the head expands rapidly as its sense of self-importance becomes deluded and reality becomes clouded. Sometimes the novice is able to stop, but this particular head was totally lacking in any reasonable thought."
Monday, April 6, 2009
Anxiety for today
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Current Headlines: "North Korea Launches Rocket", "Recession outlasts even extended jobless benefits", "Financial sector bailout will cost taxpayers more", etc.
It is a new week, with new challenges, new fears, but the week also holds unlimited potential.
As we go through each day we sometimes ignore the good that comes our way.
No matter how bad things are going today, we are socially, economically, and physically better off in the US than the majority of the world. Normally, we don't have to struggle to find enough food or clean water to survive another day.
With that said, I would be a fool to think just because we know we are better off than others, that comparison alone is enough to take care of the things that individually pain us. It doesn't. And most of us carry burdens that are not, and maybe can not be, shared with anyone else.
What lies within us? Is it sadness, is it joy, is it despair or hope?
Anxiety is one of those hidden burdens that may lay within us.
Typing anxiety into 'Google' returns over 58,000,000 hits. WebMD has numerous articles on anxiety and is one place to start if you think you want to know more about this issue.
Do we need to express what lies within us?
In the last few years I have been told (at different times) that I wear rose colored glasses, that I see the glass half-empty, and that I rain on the parade. From those comments I believe that I must be rather expressive of what lies within me.
Sorry world, I can't keep my opinions to myself.
In my humble opinion, it has helped me to keep a positive outlook when I am able to express what is running through my mind. It has happened more than once that another's viewpoint has shown me that my approach to an issue may not be the only or best solution. Sometimes it just feels good to bring your fears out into the open.
Reach out to someone, get a different perspective on an issue, pray, support each other, or even start a website. (Although without a comment section or anyone visiting your site, feedback is a little difficult, blogs work better in that case).
After you have aired the problems of the day, try hard to focus on the good, be kind to others, borrow some rose colored glasses, and laugh out loud.
And if you think you need professional help to cope with anxiety, please seek it.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
He does not seem to me to be a free man who does not sometimes do nothing.
- Cicero
Enjoy a day of rest.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
This is for any supporters of President Obama that might be viewing this site.
(Really, it is not a slam as might be expected from me).
The next video up for review is pretty serious stuff. It is titled "Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." The length is 1 hour and 16 minutes, which should be an indication that it is not a normal You Tube video. And it does take a little longer than expected to load.
From the You Tube description:
Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008) gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving presentation, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," Pausch talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve their own career and personal goals.
(Really, it is not a slam as might be expected from me).
The next video up for review is pretty serious stuff. It is titled "Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." The length is 1 hour and 16 minutes, which should be an indication that it is not a normal You Tube video. And it does take a little longer than expected to load.
From the You Tube description:
Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008) gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving presentation, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," Pausch talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve their own career and personal goals.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
It is the second day for this website and already I am finding it very hard to be creative.
There is so much to learn about using this free web design software or maybe I have reached the limits of its abilities. Did I mention it is FREE web design software.
A comment section is in the works and will be added as soon as I figure it out.
I find it easy to link to content created by someone else, but very hard to be original.
I found this good for a quick laugh.
Everyone who laughed when I said "face space" needs to check this out.
Sorry, no dancing bears today.
Did I mention I got my hair cut on Monday?
Maybe we need to revisit the first paragraph of April 1, 2009.
There is so much to learn about using this free web design software or maybe I have reached the limits of its abilities. Did I mention it is FREE web design software.
A comment section is in the works and will be added as soon as I figure it out.
I find it easy to link to content created by someone else, but very hard to be original.
I found this good for a quick laugh.
Everyone who laughed when I said "face space" needs to check this out.
Sorry, no dancing bears today.
Did I mention I got my hair cut on Monday?
Maybe we need to revisit the first paragraph of April 1, 2009.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I don't understand the desire for social networking. I don't think anyone will be interested in what I am doing during each minute of each day. Perhaps after viewing this site you will agree.
Favorite TV Show: The Amazing Race - 12 teams of 2 people race around the world, following clues that lead them to the next clue in the race. Along the way the teams must do some task common to the country that they happen to be in at the time. These tasks can be silly, some require physical ability, some tasks require some brains, and some of the tasks require overcoming fear. For example the broadcast this week (3/29/09) the teams were in India, and had to travel to the zoo. One of the tasks was to have your picture taken sitting next to a tiger. The irony of the situation was that the tiger handler (using a long stick to move the tiger's head around for the picture) had only one arm.
Would you sit down next to a tiger, being managed by a one armed tiger handler?
Favorite YouTube video: Matt Harding
Favorite political blog: http://baracksteleprompter.blogspot.com
The first day of my site (April 1, 2009) didn't get the overwhelming response that the launch of other sites have provoked in the wild web world (www).
Maybe its the site name. It hasn't shown up on Google yet.
Maybe its the lack of promotion. RK - Where can I find someone to do a press release on this new website? Also, some brochures would be nice.
Maybe its the site content.
There have been some comments that the site lacks basic appeal, no bells or whistles. Web viewers expect flashy, entertaining sites. Maybe you should reread the first paragraph on this page.
Sorry, but what is expected from a free web host, and free html software?
However, where else on the web can you find a picture of a mean nasty cat and a link to a guy dancing his way around the world on the same page? (And some current political satire as a bonus). Some people might consider that real entertainment!
SR this video is just for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTDelq0zTAc&feature=related
Favorite TV Show: The Amazing Race - 12 teams of 2 people race around the world, following clues that lead them to the next clue in the race. Along the way the teams must do some task common to the country that they happen to be in at the time. These tasks can be silly, some require physical ability, some tasks require some brains, and some of the tasks require overcoming fear. For example the broadcast this week (3/29/09) the teams were in India, and had to travel to the zoo. One of the tasks was to have your picture taken sitting next to a tiger. The irony of the situation was that the tiger handler (using a long stick to move the tiger's head around for the picture) had only one arm.
Would you sit down next to a tiger, being managed by a one armed tiger handler?
Favorite YouTube video: Matt Harding
Favorite political blog: http://baracksteleprompter.blogspot.com
The first day of my site (April 1, 2009) didn't get the overwhelming response that the launch of other sites have provoked in the wild web world (www).
Maybe its the site name. It hasn't shown up on Google yet.
Maybe its the lack of promotion. RK - Where can I find someone to do a press release on this new website? Also, some brochures would be nice.
Maybe its the site content.
There have been some comments that the site lacks basic appeal, no bells or whistles. Web viewers expect flashy, entertaining sites. Maybe you should reread the first paragraph on this page.
Sorry, but what is expected from a free web host, and free html software?
However, where else on the web can you find a picture of a mean nasty cat and a link to a guy dancing his way around the world on the same page? (And some current political satire as a bonus). Some people might consider that real entertainment!
SR this video is just for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTDelq0zTAc&feature=related
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